Non-Resident Medical Cards in Oklahoma has been extended for two years

Carmen Forman of the Oklahoman mentioned some exciting news on February 19, 2021. Extending the validity of using medical marijuana cards had just been approved by the Oklahoma House. Non-residents of the region of Oklahoma are eligible for these licenses.

The Oklahoma House of Representatives voted 52-32 in favor of House Bill 2022, which includes the amendment. It was introduced by Scott Fetgatter, a Republican House member. The excitement among Oklahomans was palpable. People who were unaware of or unconcerned with the current federal penalties.

The thirty-day ‘cannabis tourism’ visitor license was extended to two years under House Bill 2022. This means that a medical card can be issued to anybody who makes a booking with an Oklahoma’s medical marjiuan doctor. For as long as the person suffering from at least one of the listed ailments. In contrast to other states (such as Texas), eligibility is much broader in this one. It’s easier to get in.

The other major change was to extend mutuality to all 50 states in the United States. Medical marijuana can be obtained in Oklahoma, regardless of whether your home state has legalized the drug. Telemedicine was legalized in Ok  in 2013. You can complete your health evaluation online or in the comfort of your own home.

The Oklahoma Senate must still approve House Bill 2022 before it can become law. It’s possible, however, that the “free market” priorities of Oklahoma’s lawmakers will lead to its approval. There will be celebrations for everyone, not just cannabis users (patients).

As a Cannabis entrepreneur, Oklahoma was a cowbell state

The passage of House Bill 2022 was aimed at boosting the economy of Oklahoma. With the introduction of telemedicine, Oklahoma has become a leader in the field of healthcare. This is the only state that provides two-year medical cards to non-residents of any state.

That means most people will be traveling to Oklahoma to obtain medical marijuana. So the demand for farming, manufacturing, and products will also rise. Because of the large number of weed-related business licenses already granted by OMMA, Oklahoma has earned the nickname “The Wild West of Weed.”

It’s easy to start a business in here. To begin a cannabis business, you only need to pay a license fee of $2500. And you must be a permanent resident of the state for at least two years to be eligible. Although a few regulatory courses and preparation are necessary, getting started is simple and inexpensive for the average entrepreneur. A criminal record isn’t required if you meet the necessary requirements.

The extension of the medical card from 1 month to 2 years helps out-of-state entrepreneurs get started. During the two-year residency requirement, the company’s owner will be required to reside in Oklahoma. However, the change made it less difficult.

The Arkansas-Oklahoma Reciprocal Agreement

Arkansas’ MMJ program has met with some “failure to launch” issues. The state prohibits the use of recreational marijuana. Roughly 2.5 ounces of cannabis oil can be purchased every 14 days by patients and their caregivers. Arkansas’ Department of Health can grant special consideration to patients who want to use medicinal marijuana despite the strict regulations.

First-time offenders in Arkansas face a misdemeanor charge for possessing less than four ounces of marijuana. The maximum fine is $2500, and the maximum jail sentence is one year. Because of this, residents of Arkansas are no longer permitted to buy marijuana in Oklahoma. As Arkansas struggled to retain farmers capable of producing the volume required for medical cardholders, a mutual agreement was reached.

Arkansas has revoked its agreement with Oklahoma to reciprocate

We’ve officially revoked our agreement with Oklahoma, a temporary measure that had been in place since 2010. For the first time, patients in the state of Colorado can only purchase medical marijuana begun to grow and packaged in the state.

Medical marijuana doctors can help patients find the right strains of cannabis for their medical needs. However, availability can be a problem, as there is only one dispensary in Arkansas. The cost of medical marijuana is also high in the state. Oklahoma has a better selection and pricing for medical marijuana.

Buying medical marijuana in Oklahoma and then driving back to Arkansas was already a federal crime. The only consolation was realizing that Arkansas authorities would be unlikely to bring criminal charges against you as a result of the mutual agreement. For the same reasons, so would Oklahoma’s law enforcement.

In what way is it possible for anyone in Oklahoma to obtain a medical marijuana card and make purchases of cannabis? Legal responsibility falls on the cardholder. OMMA does not advocate for medical marijuana to be transported across state lines. House Bill 2022 states that you don’t need to be a resident in order to obtain a medical card. What is your responsibility if you use your card to make a purchase and then drive yourself home? “Buyer beware,” as the saying goes.

Texans Shouldn’t Get Excited, (Yet)

Following the announcement, people from all around the country contacted me, asking if they could get an Oklahoma medical card despite not residing there. They were beside themselves with excitement.

People with health issues have contacted me via private messaging. As far as they know, Texas has a MMJ program. Sadly, Texas’s qualifying health conditions are so limited that almost no one is eligible for a driver’s license. Apart from those with terminal illnesses or severe epilepsy.

That they could obtain a health card in Oklahoma was the subject of discussion. Based on their diagnoses, they may be eligible for one. They can also apply for their non-resident card online, have their health evaluated, and then receive their card. Only thirty days were allowed in the past. Efforts to boost Oklahoma’s marijuana tourism industry. We have a wide variety of affordable, high-quality cannabis products for you to sample.

Afterward, I gave them a reality check. Texas is not a recreational state. The medical use of cannabis in Texas is strictly regulated. Texas and Oklahoma do not have a reciprocal agreement. Is one being planned? Unlikely. However, this does not rule out a reorganization of Texas’ MMJ program. Medical cannabis could become much more widely available to Texans if nine bills introduced in November 2020 are passed.

Is it legal for Texans to Use Medical Marijuana Outside the State?

Is it legal to transport marijuana from Oklahoma to Texas? When it comes to the amount you have, it can be a felony or a misdemeanor. There are additional penalties for those who are caught with manufactured forms of cannabis, like vaporizer devices as well as a variety of concentrates (e.g., honey, shatter, and so on). You don’t have to worry about how much or little you have.

In the United States, Texas has a reputation for being the toughest state to do business. Except in Florida, that is. It was clear in November 2020’s election that the emergence of Californians and pro-cannabis sentiment had an impact. Republicans in Texas narrowly edged out Democrats in the governor’s race. 66 percent of the population cast ballots in this election. Since 1992, the state’s voter turnout has been at its highest level.

It is a felony to transport a controlled substance across state lines. Patients in Texas, needy to use medical marijuana, are being enticed by a large carrot from the state of Oklahoma. In terms of marijuana licenses and sales tax revenue, Oklahoma could benefit greatly from this development. Also, other jurisdictions face significant regulatory and competitive challenges.

The neighboring States face difficulties

Let’s hope for the best for those who are suffering from life-altering illnesses. The introduction of non-resident medical cards valid for two years is about to cause a stir. Regardless of whether the authorities in Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri are prepared for it or not.

The reason for this is that neighboring states’ MMJ programs are having “issues”. Medical marijuana is still illegal in Kansas. In 2021, they’ll be discussing it, and it’s likely that they’ll move forward with it. As a result, they’ll be starting up their medical program after patients rush to obtain a card in Oklahoma. What a strange situation. These dangers could jeopardize the start and expansion of the Kansas medicinal marijuana industry. Over 2,200 cannabis businesses operate in Oklahoma, making it difficult to compete in terms of variety and pricing.

We also have to wonder how many Texans will relocate to Oklahoma if the state’s medical cannabis program isn’t changed. Aside from the lower standard of living, people who are considering moving to the area now have more reasons to do so. Purchase, cultivate and perform in the rapidly expanding cannabis industry. To be able to use MMJ to treat conditions like anxiety is paramount. To be able to legally purchase and use cannabis for medical purposes.


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